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2020 - present

Scheller, E., Ingalls, M., Eiler, J., Grotzinger, J., Ryub, U., 2023, The mechanisms and stable isotope effects of transforming hydrated carbonate into calcite pseudomorphs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Bell, J.M. et al. Geological, multispectral, and meteorological imaging results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in Jezero crater. Science Advances, Vol. 8, Issue 47, November 2022 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo4856

Wiens, R.C., Maurice, S., Robinson, S.H. et al. The SuperCam Instrument Suite on the NASA Mars 2020 Rover: Body Unit and Combined System Tests. Space Sci Rev 217, 4 (2021).

Bell, J.F., Maki, J.N., Mehall, G.L. et al.The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mast Camera Zoom (Mastcam-Z) Multispectral, Stereoscopic Imaging Investigation. Space Sci Rev 217, 24 (2021).

Cardenas, B.T., M.P. Lamb, and J.P. Grotzinger, 2022, Martian landscapes of fluvial ridges carved from ancient sedimentary basin fillNature Geoscience, v. 15, p. 871-877. doi: 10.1038/s41561-022-01058-2

Fedo, C.M., A.B. Bryk, L.A. Edgar, K.A. Bennett, V.K. Fox, W.E. Dietrich, S.G. Banham, S. Gupta, K.M. Stack, R.M.E. Williams, J.P. Grotzinger, N.T. Stein, D.M. Rubin, G. Caravaca, R.E. Arvidson, M.N. Hughes, A.A. Fraeman, A.R. Vasavada, J. Schieber, and B. Sutter, 2022, Geology and Stratigraphic Correlation of the Murray and Carolyn Shoemaker Formations Across the Glen Torridon Region, Gale Crater, Mars, JGR: Planets, 127(9), doi: 10.1029/2022JE007408, 2022

Gwizd, S., Fedo., C., Grotzinger, J., Banham, S., Rivera-Hernandez, F., Stack., K., Siebach, K., Thorpe, M., Thompson, L., O'Connell-Cooper, C., Stein, N., Edgar, L., Gupta, S., Rubin, D., Sumner, D., and Vasdavada., A., 2022, Sedimentological and geochemical perspectives on a marginal lake environment recorded in the Hartmann's Valley and Karasburg members of the Murray formation, Gale crater, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets ,

Yang, L, 32 others, Grotzinger, J., and 38 others. An olivine cumulate outcrop on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars.  In review, Science, v. 377, DOI: 10.1126/science.abo2756

Razzell Hollis, J., Moore, K., Sharma, S., Beegle, L., Grotzinger., J., and 23 others, 2022, The power of paired proximity science observations: Co-located data from SHERLOC and PIXL on Mars. Icarus, v. 387,

Hughes, M, Arvidson, R., Dietrich, W., Lamb, M., Catalano, J., Grotzinger, J., and Byrk, A., 2022. Canyon wall and floor debris deposits in Aeolis Mons, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, e2021JE006848. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021JE006848

Scheller, E., Grotzinger, J., and Ingalls, M., 2021. Guttulactic calcite: A carbonate microtexture that reveals frigid formation conditions. Geology,

Bosak, T., Moore, K., Gong, J., and Grotzinger, J., 2021. Searching for biosignatures in sedimentary rocks from early Earth and Mars.  Nature Reviews Earth and Environment,

Manning, R., and Grotzinger, J., 2021. Science and Engineering Collaboration in the Design and Operation of the Curiosity Mars Rover.  The Bridge (National Academy of Engineering), v. 5, 3.

Mangold, N., 17 others, Grotzinger, J., 21 others. Perseverance rover reveals an ancient delta-lake system and flood deposits at Jezero crater, Mars, 2021, Science, 374, 711-717  DOI: 10.1126/science.abl4051

Bell III, J., Maki, J., Alwmark, S., Ehlmann, B., Fagents, S., Grotzinger, J., and 87 others, 2022, Geological, Multispectral, and Meteorological Imaging Results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover in Jezero Crater. Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo4856

Bristow, T., Grotzinger, J. and 30 others. Brine driven destruction of clay minerals in Gale crater, Mars.  Science, v. 373, 6551, p. 198-204, DOI: 10.1126/science.abg5449

Sasselov,  D.D, Grotzinger, J.P., and Sutherland, J. D. , (2020) The Origin of Life as a Planetary Phenomenon. Science Advances.  2020; 6 : eaax3419

Edgar, L.A., C.M. Fedo, S.Gupta, S.G.Banham, A.A.Fraeman, J.P. Grotzinger,  and 10 others, A lacustrine paleoenvironment recorded at Vera Rubin ridge, Gale crater: Overview of the sedimentology and stratigraphy observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, JGR: Planets, 125, 3,doi: 10.1029/2019JE006307, 2020

Martin, P.E., K.A. Farley, P.D. Archer, J.V. Hogancamp, K.L. Siebach, J.P. Grotzinger, and S.M. McLennan, Reevaluation of Perchlorate in Gale Crater Rocks Suggests Geologically Recent Perchlorate Addition, Journal of Geophysical Research Planets, 125(2),doi:10.1029/2019JE006156, 2020.

Stein, N.T., D.P. Quinn, J.P. Grotzinger, C. Fedo, B.L. Ehlmann, K. M. Stack, L.A. Edgar, A.A. Fraeman, and R. Deen, Regional structural orientation of the Mt. Sharp group revealed by in-situ dip measurements and stratigraphic correlations on the Vera Rubin ridge, JGR: Planets, 125, 5, doi: 10.1029/2019JE006298, 2020

2010 - 2019

Stack, K.M., John P. Grotzinger, Michael P. Lamb, Sanjeev Gupta, David M. Rubin, Linda C. Kah, Lauren A. Edgar, Deirdra M. Fey, Joel A. Hurowitz, Marie McBride, Frances Rivera-Hernández, Dawn Y. Sumner, Jason K. Van Beek, Rebecca M. E. Williams, R. Aileen Yingst. (2019) Evidence for plunging river plume deposits in the Pahrump Hills member of the Murray formation, Gale crater, Mars. Sedimentology, 66, p. 1768-1802.

Love, G. D., J. A. Zumberge, P. Cárdenas, E. A. Sperling, M. Rohrssen, E. Grosjean, J. P. Grotzinger, R. E. Summons. (2019) Sources of C30 steroid biomarkers in Neoproterozoic–Cambrian rocks and oils. Nature Ecology & Evolution, doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-1048-2

T. M. Present, M. Gutierrez, G.Paris, C. Kerans, J. P. Grotzinger, J. F. Adkins. (2019) Diagenetic controls on the isotopic composition of carbonate‐associated sulphate in the Permian Capitan Reef Complex, West Texas. Sedimentology, 66, n. 7, p. 2605-2626. Link to this article can be found here

Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Roger E. Summons, Andrew Steele, Caroline Freissinet, Maëva Millan, Rafael Navarro-González, Brad Sutter, Amy C. McAdam, Heather B. Franz, Daniel P. Glavin, Paul D. Archer Jr., Paul R. Mahaffy, Pamela G. Conrad, Joel A. Hurowitz, John P. Grotzinger, Sanjeev Gupta, Doug W. Ming, Dawn Y. Sumner, Cyril Szopa, Charles Malespin, Arnaud Buch, Patrice Coll. (2018) Organic matter preserved in 3-billion-year-old mudstones at Gale crater, Mars. Science, 360, n. 6393, p. 1096-1101.

Trower, E.J., O'Reilly, S.S., Gomes, M., Cantine, M., Stein, N., Grotzinger, H., Strauss, J.V., Lamb, M.P., Grotzinger, J.P., Knoll, A.H., Fischer, W.W. (2018) Active ooid growth driven by sediment transport in a high energy shoal, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos, British Overseas Territories.  J. Sedimentary Research, 88, p. 1132-1151.

B. Sutter, A. C. McAdam, P. R. Mahaffy, D. W. Ming, K. S. Edgett, E. B. Rampe, J. L. Eigenbrode, H. B. Franz, C. Freissinet, J. P. Grotzinger, A. Steele, C. H. House, P. D. Archer, C. A. Malespin, R. Navarro-González, J. C. Stern, J. F. Bell, F. J. Calef, R. Gellert, D. P. Glavin, L. M. Thompson, A. S. Yen. (2017) Evolved gas analyses of sedimentary rocks and eolian sediment in Gale Crater, Mars: Results of the Curiosity rover's sample analysis at Mars instrument from Yellowknife Bay to the Namib Dune. JGR Planets, 122, n. 12, p. 2574-2609.

J. A. Hurowitz, J. P. Grotzinger, W. W. Fischer, S. M. McLennan, R. E. Milliken, N. Stein, A. R. Vasavada, D. F. Blake, E. Dehouck, J. L. Eigenbrode, A. G. Fairén, J. Frydenvang, R. Gellert, J. A. Grant, S. Gupta, K. E. Herkenhoff, D. W. Ming, E. B. Rampe, M. E. Schmidt, K. L. Siebach, K. Stack-Morgan, D. Y. Sumner, R. C. Wiens. (2017) Redox stratification of an ancient lake in Gale crater, Mars. Science, 356, n. 6341.

Lapotre, M. G. A., R. C. Ewing, M. P. Lamb, W. W. Fischer, J. P. Grotzinger, D. M. Rubin, K. W. Lewis, M. J. Ballard, M. Day, S. Gupta, S. G. Banham, N. T. Bridges, D. J. Des Marais, A. A. Fraeman, J. A. Grant, K. E. Herkenhoff, D. W. Ming, M. A. Mischna, M. S. Rice, D. A. Sumner, A. R. Vasavada, R. A. Yingst. (2016) Large wind ripples on Mars: A record of atmospheric evolution. Science, 353, n. 6294, p.  55-58, doi: 10.1126/science.aaf3206.

Richard V. Morris, David T. Vaniman, David F. Blake, Ralf Gellert, Steve J. Chipera, Elizabeth B. Rampe, Douglas W. Ming, Shaunna M. Morrison, Robert T. Downs, Allan H. Treiman, Albert S. Yen, John P. Grotzinger, Cherie N. Achilles, Thomas F. Bristow, Joy A. Crisp, David J. Des Marais, Jack D. Farmer, Kim V. Fendrich, Jens Frydenvang, Trevor G. Graff, John-Michael Morookian, Edward M. Stolper, Susanne P. Schwenzer. (2016) Silicic volcanism on on Mars evidenced by tridymite in high-SiO2 sedimentary rock at Gale crater. PNAS, 113, n.26, p. 7071-7076.

K.M. Stack, C.S. Edwards, J.P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, D.Y. Sumner, F.J. Calef III, L.A. Edgar, K.S. Edgett, A.A. Fraeman, S.R. Jacob, L. Le Deit, K.W. Lewis, M.S. Rice, D. Rubin, R.M.E. Williams, K.H. Williford. (2016) Comparing orbiter and rover image-based mapping of an ancient sedimentary environment, Aeolis Palus, Gale crater, Mars. Icarus, 280, p. 3-21.

T ́ımea Szabó, Gábor Domokos, John P. Grotzinger & Douglas J. Jerolmack. (2015) Reconstructing the transport history of pebbles on Mars. Nature Communications, 6, n. 8366.

J.P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, M.C. Malin, D.M. Rubin, J. Schieber, K. Siebach, D.Y. Sumner, K.M. Stack, A.R. Vasavada, R.E Arvidson, F. Calef III, L. Edgar, W.F. Fischer, J.A. Grant, J. Griffes, L.C. Kah, M.P. Lamb, K.W. Lewis, N. Mangold, M.E. Minitti, M. Palucis, M. Rice, R.M.E Williams, R.A. Yingst, D. Blake, D. Blaney, P. Conrad, J. Crisp, W.E. Dietrich, G. Dromart, K.S. Edgett, R.C. Ewing, R. Gellert, J.A. Hurowitz, G. Kocurek, P. Mahaffy, M.J. McBride, S.M. McLennan, M. Mischna, D. Ming, R. Milliken, H. Newsom, D. Oehler, T.J. Parker, D. Vaniman, R.C. Wiens, S.A. Wilson. (2015) Deposition, Exhumation, and Paleoclimate of an Ancient Lake Deposit, Gale Crater, Mars. Science, 350, n. 6257. Link to this article can be found here

Grotzinger, J.P., J.A. Crisp, A.R. Vasavada (2015) Curiosity's mission of exploration at Gale Crater, Mars. Elements, 11, p. 19-26.

Grotzinger, J.P. (2014) Habitability, taphonomy, and the search for organic carbon on Mars. Science, 343, n. 669, p. 386-387.

Grotzinger, J.P., Sumner, D.Y., Kah, L.C., Stack, K., Gupta, S., Edgar, L., Rubin, D., Lewis, K., Schieber, J., Mangold, N., Milliken, R., Conrad, P.G., DesMarais, D., Farmer, J., Siebach, K., Calef III, F., Hurowitz, J., McLennan, S.M., Ming, D., Vaniman, D., Crisp, J., Vasavada, A., Edgett, K.S., Malin, M., Blake, D., Gellert, R., Mahaffy, P., Wiens, R.C., Maurice, S., Grant, J.A., Wilson, S., Anderson, R.C., Beegle, L., Arvidson, R., Hallet, B., Sletten, R.S., Rice, M., Bell III, J., Griffes, J., Ehlmann, B., Anderson, R.B., Bristow, T.F., Dietrich, W.E., Dromart, G., Eigenbrode, J., Fraeman, A., Hardgrove, C., Herkenhoff, K., Jandura, L., Kocurek, G., Lee, S., Leshin, L.A., Leveille, R., Limonadi, D., Maki, J., McCloskey, S., Meyer, M., Minitti, M., Newsom, H., Oehler, D., Okon, A., Palucis, M., Parker, T., Rowland, S., Schmidt, M., Squyres, S., Steele, A., Stolper, E., Summons, R., Treiman, A., Williams, R., Yingst, A. (2014) A habitable fluvio-lacustrine environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars. Science, 343, n. 6169.

Grotzinger, J.P. (2013) Analysis of surface materials by the Curiosity Mars Rover. Science, 341, n.6153, p. 1475.

Grotzinger, J.P., A.G. Hayes, M.P. Lamb, S.M. McLennan (2013) Sedimentary processes on Earth, Mars, Titan, and Venus. Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets (S.J. Mackwell et al., eds.), p. 439-472.

Lamb, M.P., Grotzinger, J., Southard, J.B., Tosca, N. (2012) Were aqueous ripples on Mars formed by flowing brines? Sedimentary Geology on Mars, SEPM Special Publication No. 102, p. 139-150.

Grotzinger, J.P., J. Crisp, A.R. Vasavada, R.C. Anderson, C.J. Baker, R. Barry, D.F. Blake, P. Conrad, K.S. Edgett, B. Ferdowsi, R. Gellert, J.B. Gilbert, M. Golombek, J. Gomez-Elvira, D.M. Hassler, L. Jandura, M. Litvak, P. Mahaffy, J. Maki, M. Meyer, M.C. Malin, I. Mitrofanov, J.J. Simmonds, D. Vaniman, R.V. Welch, and R.C. Wiens (2012) Mars Science Laboratory mission and science investigation. Space Science Reviews, 170, p. 5-56.

Grotzinger, J.P., D. Beaty, G. Dromart, J. Griffes, S. Gupta, P. Harris, J. Hurowitz, G. Kocurek, S. McLennan, R. Milliken, G. Ori, D. Sumner (2011) The sedimentary record of Mars. SEPM, 9, n.2.

Grotzinger, J.P., D.A. Fike, and W.W. Fischer (2011) Enigmatic origin of the largest-known carbon isotope excursion in Earth's history. Nature Geoscience, 4, p. 285-292.

Grotzinger, J.P. and R.A. Milliken (2011) The sedimentary rock record of Mars: Distribution, origins, and global stratigraphy. SEPM Special Publication No. 102.

Other SEPM Special Publication v. 102 papers can be found here

Fike, D.A. and J.P. Grotzinger (2010) A δ34SSO4 approach to reconstructing biogenic pyrite burial in carbonate-evaporite basins: an example from the Ara Group, Sultanate of Oman.  Geology, 38, p. 371-374.

McEwen, A., 28 others, J. Grotzinger, and 41 others (2010) The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) during MRO's Primary Science Phase (PSP). Icarus, 205, p. 2-37.

Milliken, R., J. Grotzinger, and B. Thomson (2010) The paleoclimate of Mars from the stratigraphic record in Gale Crater. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L04201, doi:10.1029/2009GL041870.

2000 - 2009

Metz, J., J.P. Grotzinger, D. Mohrig, A. McEwen, C. Weitz, B. Prather, and C. Pirmez (2009) Sublacustrine depositional fans in Melas Chasma. J. Geophysical Res., 114, E10002, doi:10.1029/2009JE003365.

Bowring, S. A., J.P. Grotzinger, D.J. Condon, J. Ramezani, and M. Newall (2009) Reply to comment by Erwan Le Guerroué, Ruben Rieu and Andrea Cozzi on "Geochronologic constraints on the chronostratigraphic framework of the Neoproterozoic Huqf Supergroup, Sultanate of Oman". American Journal of Science, 309, p. 91-96.

Grotzinger, J.P. (2009) Mars exploration, comparative planetary history, and the promise of Mars Science Laboratory. Nature Geoscience, 2, p. 1-3.

Allwood, A.C., J.P. Grotzinger, A.H. Knoll, I.W. Burch, M.S. Anderson, M.L. Coleman, I. Kanik (2009) Controls on development and diversity of Early Archean stromatolites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, p. 9548-9555.

Cohen, P.A., A. Bradley, A.H. Knoll, J.P. Grotzinger, S. Jensen, J. Abelson, K. Hand, G. Love, J. Metz, N. McLoughlin, P. Meister, R. Shepard., M. Tice, and J.P. Wilson (2009) Tubular compression fossils from the Ediacaran Nama Group, Namibia. Journal of Paleontology, 83, p. 110-122.

Metz, J.M., J.P. Grotzinger, D.M. Rubin, K.W. Lewis, S.W. Squyres, and J.F. Bell III (2009) Sulfate-rich eolian and wet interdune deposits, Erebus crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 79, p. 247-264.

Ries, J. B., D.A. Fike, L.M. Pratt, T.W. Lyons, and J.P. Grotzinger (2009) Superheavy pyrite (δ34Spyr > δ34SCAS) in the terminal Proterozoic Nama Group, southern Namibia: A consequence of low seawater sulfate at the dawn of animal life. Geology, 37, p. 743-746.

Love, G., E. Grosjean, C. Stalvies, D. Fike, J. Grotzinger, and 8 others (2009) Fossil steroids record the appearance of Demospongiae during the Cryogenian period. Nature, 457, p. 718-721.

Fike, D.A., and J.P. Grotzinger (2008) A paired sulfate-pyrite δ34S approach to understanding the evolution of the Ediacaran-Cambrian sulfur cycle, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, p. 2636-2648.

Bowring, S. A., J.P. Grotzinger, D.J. Condon, J. Ramezani, M. Newall, and P.A. Allen (2008) Geochronologic constraints on the chronostratigraphic framework of the Neoproterozoic Huqf Supergroup, Sultanate of Oman. American Journal of Science, 307, p. 1097-1145.

Grotzinger, J. P., and R. Miller (2008) The Nama Group.  In, R. Miller (ed.), The Geology of Namibia.  Geological Society of Namibia Special Publication, 2, p. 13-229 – 13-272.

Knoll, A.H., B. Joliff, W. Farrand, J. Bell, R. Gellert, J.P. Grotzinger, and 9 others (2008) Veneers, rinds, and fracture fills: Relatively late alteration of sedimentary rocks at Meridiani planum, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, E06S16, doi:10.1029/2007JE002949.

Grant, J., R. Irwin, J. Grotzinger, and 7 others (2008) Hi-RISE imaging of Impact megabreccia and sub-meter aqueous strata in Holden Crater, Mars. Geology, 36, p. 195-198.

Lewis, K., O. Aharonson, J.P. Grotzinger, R.L. Kirk, McKewan, A.S., and Suer, T-A. (2008)  Quasi-periodic bedding in the sedimentary rock record of Mars. Science, 322, p. 1532-1535.

Herkenhoff, K. E., J.P. Grotzinger, and 42 others (2008) Surface processes recorded by rocks and soils on Meridiani Planum, Mars:  Microscopic Imager observations during Opportunity's first three extended missions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (E12). E12S32.

McLennan, S., and J.P. Grotzinger (2008) The sedimentary rock cycle of Mars, in The Martian Surface (ed. Jim Bell), Cambridge University Press, p. 541-577.

Lewis, K., O. Aharonson, J.P. Grotzinger, S. Squyres, J. Bell III, L. Crumpler, and M.E. Scmidt (2008) Stratigraphy and structure of Home Plate from the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover, J. Geophys. Res., 113, E12S36, doi:10.1029/2007JE003025.

Milliken, R., G. Swayze, R. Arvidson, J. Bishop, R. Clark, B. Ehlmann, R. Green, J. Grotzinger, R. Morris, S. Murchie, J. Mustard, and C. Weitz (2008) Opaline silica in young deposits on Mars. Geology, 36, p. 847-850.

Maloof, A. C., R.E. Kopp, J.P. Grotzinger, D.A. Fike, T. Bosak, H. Vali, P.M. Poussart, B.P.Weiss, and J.L. Kirschvink (2007) Sedimentary iron cycling and the origin and preservation of magnetization in platform carbonate muds, Andros Island, Bahamas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259, p. 581-598. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.05.021.

Farrand, W.H., J.F. Bell, III, B.L. Johnson, B.L. Jolliff, A.H. Knoll, S.M. McLennan, S.W. Squyres, W.M. Calvin, J.P. Grotzinger, and 5 others (2007) Visible and near infrared multispectral analysis of rocks at Meridiani Planum, Mars by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, E06S02.

Schröder, S. and J.P. Grotzinger (2007) Evidence for anoxia at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary: The record of redox-sensitive trace elements and rare-earth elements in Oman. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 164, p. 175-187.

Squyres, S. W., O. Aharonson, B.C. Clark, B.A. Cohen, A. Crumpler, P.A. de Souza, W.H. Farrand, R. Gellert, J. Grant, J.P. Grotzinger, and 18 others (2007) Pyroclastic activity at Home Plate in Gusev Crater, Mars. Science, 316, p. 738-742.

Squyres, S. W., O. Aharonson, R.E. Arvidson, J.F. Bell III, P.R. Christensen, B.C. Clark, J.A. Crisp, W. Farrand, T. Glotch, M. Golombek, J. Grant, J. Grotzinger, and 9 others (2006) Bedrock formation at Meridiani Planum: a response to "A volcanic environment for bedrock diagenesis at Meridiani Planum, Mars". Nature, 443, p. E1-E2.

Squyres, S. W., A.H. Knoll, R.E. Arvidson, B.C. Clark, J.P. Grotzinger, and 13 others (2006) Two years at Meridiani Planum:  Results from the Opportunity rover. Science, 313, p. 1403-1407.

Jerolmack, D. J., D. Mohrig, J.P. Grotzinger, D. Fike, and W.A. Watters (2006) Spatial grain-size sorting in eolian ripples and estimation of wind conditions on planetary surfaces: Application to Meridiani Planum, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research, 11, E12S02, doi:10.1029/2005JE002544.

Fike, D.A., J.P. Grotzinger, L.M. Pratt, and R.E. Summons (2006) Oxidation of the Ediacaran ocean. Nature, 444, p. 744-747.

Grotzinger, J. P., and 17 others (2006) Sedimentary textures formed by aqueous processes, Erebus crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Geology, 34, p. 1085-1088.

Johnson, J., and J.P. Grotzinger (2006) Affect of sedimentation on Ediacaran stromatolite reef growth and morphology, Omkyk Member (Nama Group), Namibia. Journal of the Geological Society of South Africa, 109, p. 87-96.

Arvidson, R. A., 13 others, J.P. Grotzinger, and 11 others (2006) Nature and origin of the hematite-bearing plains of Terra Meridiani based on analyses of orbital and Mars Exploration Rover datasets. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, E12S08, doi:10.1029/2006JE002728.

Squyres, S.W., R.E. Arvidson, D. Bollen, J.F. Bell III, J. Bruckner, N.A. Cabrol, W.M. Calvin, M.H. Carr, P.R. Christensen, B.C. Clark, L. Crumpler, D.J. Des Marais, C. d'Uston, T. Economou, J. Farmer, W.H. Farrand, W. Folkner, R. Gellert, T.D. Glotch, M. Golombek, S. Gorevan, J. Grant, R. Greeley, J.P. Grotzinger, and 29 others (2006) Overview of the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover Mission to Meridiani Planum: Eagle crater to Purgatory ripple. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, E12S12, doi:10.1029/2006JE002771.

Adams. E., J. Grotzinger, S. Schröder, D. McCormick, and H. Al-Siyabi (2005) Digital characterization of thrombolite-stromatolite reef distribution within a carbonate ramp system (terminal Proterozoic, Nama Group, Namibia). American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 89, p. 1293-1318.

Grotzinger, J.P., E. Adams, and S. Schröder (2005) Microbial-metazoan reefs of the terminal Proterozoic Nama Group (ca. 550-543 Ma), Namibia. Geological Magazine, 142, p. 499-517.

DiBenedetto, S., and J.P. Grotzinger (2005) Geomorphic evolution of a storm-dominated carbonate ramp (ca. 549 Ma), Nama Group, Namibia. Geological Magazine, 142, p. 583-604.

Corsetti, F.A., and J.P. Grotzinger (2005) Origin and significance of tube structures in Neoproterozoic post-glacial cap carbonates: Example from Noonday Dolomite, Death Valley, United States. Palaios, 20, p. 348-362.

Grotzinger, J.P., and 16 others (2005) Stratigraphy and sedimentology of a dry to wet eolian depositional system, Burns formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240, p. 11-72.

Clark, B.C., R.V. Morris, S.M. McLennan, R. Gellert, B. Jolliff, A.H. Knoll, S.W. Squyres, T.K. Lowenstein, D.W. Ming, N.J. Tosca, A. Yen, P.R. Christensen, S.P. Gorevan, J. Brückner, W.M. Calvin, G. Dreibus, W.H. Farrand, J.P. Grotzinger, and 6 others (2005) Chemistry and mineralogy of outcrops at Meridiani Planum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240, p. 73-94.

Knoll, A.H., M.H. Carr, B.C. Clark, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, W.W. Fischer, J.P. Grotzinger, and 7 others (2005) An astrobiological perspective on Meridiani Planum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240, p. 179-189.

McLennan, S. M., J.F. Bell III, W. Calvin, J.P. Grotzinger, and 28 others (2005) Provenance and diagenesis of the evaporite-bearing Burns formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240, p. 95-121.

Tosca, N. J., S.M. McLennan, B.C. Clark, J.P. Grotzinger, J.A. Hurowitz, A.H. Knoll, C. Schroder, and S.W. Squyres (2005) Geochemical modeling of evaporation processes on Mars: Insight from the sedimentary record at Meridiani Planum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240, p. 122-148.

Sullivan. R., D. Banfield, J.F. Bell III, W. Calvin, D. Fike, M. Golombek, R. Greeley, J. Grotzinger, and 10 others (2005) Aeolian processes at the Mars Exploration Rover Meridiani Planum landing site. Nature, 436, p. 58-61.

Schröder, S., J.P. Grotzinger, J.E. Amthor, and A. Matter (2005) Carbonate deposition and hydrocarbon reservoir development at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary:  The Ara Group in south Oman. Sedimentary Geology, 180, p. 1-28.

Adams, E., S. Schröder, J.P. Grotzinger, and D.S. McCormick (2004) Digital reconstruction and stratigraphic evolution of a microbial-dominated, isolated carbonate platform (terminal Proterozoic, Nama Group, Namibia). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 74, p. 479-497.

Cozzi, A., P.A. Allen, J.P. Grotzinger (2004) Understanding carbonate ramp dynamics using d13C profiles: examples from the Neoproterozoic Buah Formation of Oman. Terra Nova, 16, p. 62-67.

Cozzi, A., J. Grotzinger, and P. Allen (2004) Evolution of a terminal Proterozoic carbonate ramp system (Buah Formation, Sultanate of Oman): Effects of basement paleotopography. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 116, p. 1367-1384.

Squyres, S., R.E. Arvidson, J.F. Bell III, J. Bruckner, N.A. Cabrol, W. Calvin, M.H. Carr, P.R. Christensen, B.C. Clark, L. Crumpler, D.J. Des Marais, C. d'Uston, T. Economou, Farmer, J.W., W.H. Farrand, W. Folkner, M. Golombek, S. Gorevan, J.A. Grant, R. Greeley, J.P. Grotzinger, and 29 others (2004) The Spirit Rover's Athena Science Investigation at Gusev Crater, Mars. Science, 305, p. 794-799.

Bell, J. F. III, S. Squyres, R.E. Arvidson, H.M. Arneson, D. Bass, W. Calvin, W.H. Farrand, W. Goetz, M. Golombek., R. Greeley, J.P. Grotzinger, and 29 others (2004) Pancam multispectral imaging results from the Opportunity rover at Meridiani Planum. Science, 306, p. 1703-1709.

Herkenhoff , K. E., S. Squyres, R.E. Arvidson, D. Bass, J.F. Bell III, P. Bertelsen, B.L. Ehlmann, W.H. Farrand, L. Gaddis, R. Greeley, J.P. Grotzinger, and 21 others (2004) Evidence from Opportunity's microscopic imager for ancient water on Meridiani Planum. Science, 306, p. 1727-1729.

Soderblom, L. A., R.C. Anderson, R.E. Arvidson, J.F. Bell III, N.A. Cabrol, W. Calvin, P.R. Christensen, B.C. Clark, T. Economou, B.L. Ehlmann, W.H. Farrand, D.H. Fike, R. Gellert, T.D. Glotch, M. Golombek., R. Greeley, J.P. Grotzinger, and 28 others (2004) Soils of Eagle Crater and Meridiani Planum at the Opportunity rover landing site. Science, 306., p. 1723-1726.

Squyres, S., J.P. Grotzinger, J.F. Bell III, W. Calvin, and 14 others (2004) In-situ evidence for an aqueous environment at Meridiani Planum, Mars. Science, 306, p. 1709-1714.

Squyres, S., R.E. Arvidson, D. Bass, J.F. Bell III, P. Bertelsen, J. Bruckner, N.A. Cabrol, W. Calvin, M.H. Carr, P.R. Christensen, B.C. Clark, L. Crumpler, D.J. Des Marais, C. d'Uston, T. Economou, J.W. Farmer, W.H. Farrand, W. Folkner, M. Golombek, S. Gorevan, J.A. Grant, R. Greeley, J.P. Grotzinger, and 28 others (2004) The Opportunity Rover's Athena science investigation at Meridiani Planum, Mars. Science, 306, p. 1698-1703.

Sumner, D. Y., and J.P. Grotzinger (2004) Implications for Neoarchaean ocean chemistry from primary carbonate mineralogy of the Campbellrand-Malmani Platform, South Africa. Sedimentology, 51, p. 1273-1299.

Cady, S. L., J.D. Framer, J.P. Grotzinger, J.W. Schopf, and A. Steele (2003) Morphological biosignatures and the search for life on Mars. Astrobiology, 3, p. 351-368.

Amthor, J. A., J.P. Grotzinger, S. Schröder, S.A. Bowring, J. Ramezani, M.W. Martin, and A. Matter (2003) Extinction of Cloudina and Namacalathus at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in Oman. Geology, 31, 431-434.

Pope, M. C., and J.P. Grotzinger (2003) Paleoproterozoic Stark Formation, Athapuscow basin, northwest Canada: Record of cratonic-scale salinity crisis. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 73, p. 280-295.

Peters, J., J.Filbrandt, J.P. Grotzinger, M. Newall, M. Shuster, and H. Al-Siyabi (2003) Surface-piercing salt domes of interior north Oman, and their significance for the Ara carbonate "stringer" hydrocarbon play. GeoArabia, 8, p. 231-270.

Wood, R. A., J.P. Grotzinger, and J.A.D. Dickson (2002) Proterozoic modular skeletal metazoan from the Nama Group, Namibia. Nature, 296, p. 2383-2386.

Tinker, J., M. de Wit, and J.P. Grotzinger (2002) Seismic stratigraphic constraints on Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic evolution of the western margin of the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Journal of South African Earth Sciences, 105, p. 107-134.

Noffke, N., A.H. Knoll, and J.P. Grotzinger (2002) Sedimentary controls on the formation and preservation of microbial mats in siliciclastic deposits: A case study from the Upper Neoproterozoic Nama Group, Namibia.  Palaios.

Parsons, J. D., W.J. Schweller, C.W. Stelting, J.B. Southard, W. Lyons, and J.P. Grotzinger (2002) A preliminary experimental study of turbidite fan deposits. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 72, p. 619-628.

Watters, W. A., and J.P. Grotzinger (2001) Digital reconstruction of calcified early metazoans, terminal Proterozoic Nama Group, Namibia. Paleobiology, 27, p. 159-xxx.

Carlson, J. and J.P. Grotzinger (2001) Submarine fan environment inferred from turbidite thickness distributions. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 48, p. 1331-1351

Zhang, R., M.J. Follows, J.P. Grotzinger, and J. Marshall (2001) Could the late Permian deep ocean have been anoxic? Paleoceanography, 16, p. 317-329.

Grotzinger, J. P., W. Watters, and A.H. Knoll (2000) Calcified metazoans in thrombolite-stromatolite reefs of the terminal Proterozoic Nama Group, Namibia. Paleobiology, 26, p. 334-359.

Pope, M., J. Grotzinger, and B.C. Schreiber (2000) Evaporitic subtidal stromatolites produced by in situ precipitation: Textures, facies associations, and temporal significance. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 70, p. 1139-1151.

Myrow, P. and J.P. Grotzinger (2000) Chemostratigraphic proxy records: Forward modeling the effects of unconformities, variable sediment accumulation rates, and sampling-interval bias, in, SEPM Special Publication - Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in the Evolving Precambrian World, J. Grotzinger and N. James (eds), p. 43-58.

Pope, M. C., and J.P. Grotzinger (2000) Controls on fabric development and morphology of tufa and stromatolites, uppermost Pethei Group (1.8 Ga), Great Slave Lake, northwest Canada, in, SEPM Special Publication - Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in the Evolving Precambrian World, J. Grotzinger and N. James (eds), p. 103-122.

Grotzinger, J. P. and N.P. James (2000) Precambrian Carbonates:  Evolution of Understanding, in, SEPM Special Publication #67 - Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in the Evolving Precambrian World, J. Grotzinger and N. James (eds), p. 3-22.

Sumner, D. Y. and J.P. Grotzinger (2000) Evidence for Late Archean aragonite precipitation: Petrography, facies associations,  and environmental significance, in, SEPM Special Publication - Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in the Evolving Precambrian World, J. Grotzinger and N. James (eds), p. 123-144.

Bartley, J. K., A.H. Knoll, J.P. Grotzinger, V.N. Sergeev (2000) Lithification and fabric genesis in precipitated stromatolites and associated peritidal carbonates, Mesoproterozoic Billyakh Group, Siberia, in, SEPM Special Publication - Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in the Evolving Precambrian World, J. Grotzinger and N. James (eds), p. 59-74.

Laval, B., S.L. Cady, J.C. Pollack, C.P. McKay, J.S. Bird, J.P. Grotzinger, D.C. Ford, and H.R. Bohm (2000) Modern freshwater microbialite analogues for ancient dendritic reef structures. Nature, 407, p. 626-629.

Grotzinger, J.P. (2000) Facies and paleoenvironmental setting of Thrombolite-Stromatolite Reefs, Terminal Proterozoic Nama Group (ca. 550-543 Ma), central and southern Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia, 12, p. 221-233.

1990 - 1999

Grotzinger, J. P and A.H. Knoll (1999) Stromatolites: Evolutionary mileposts or environmental dipsticks? Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science, 27, p. 313-358.

Saylor, B. Z., A.J. Kaufman, J.P. Grotzinger, and F. Urban (1998) The partitioning of terminal Proterozoic time: Constraints from Namibia. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 68, p. 1223-1235.

Narbonne, G. M., B.Z. Saylor, and J.P. Grotzinger (1997) The youngest Ediacaran fossils from southern Africa. Journal of Paleontology, 71, p. 953-967.

Sumner, D. Y., and J.P. Grotzinger (1996) Herringbone calcite: petrography and environmental significance. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 66, p. 419-429.

Pelechaty, S. M., A.J. Kaufman, and J.P. Grotzinger (1996) Evaluation of d13C isotope stratigraphy for intrabasinal correlation: Vendian strata of the Olenek uplift and Kharaulakh Mountains, Siberian platform, Russia. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 108, p. 992-1003.

Sumner, D. Y. and J.P. Grotzinger (1996) Were kinetics of Archean calcium carbonate precipitation related to oxygen concentration? Geology, 24, p. 119-122.

Grotzinger, J. P. and D.H. Rothman (1996) An abiotic model for stromatolite morphogenesis. Nature, 383, p. 423-425.

Pelechaty, S. M., J.P. Grotzinger, V.A. Kashirtsev, and V.P. Jerinovsky (1996) Chemostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic constraints on Vendian-Cambrian basin dynamics, northeast Siberian craton. Journal of Geology, 104, p. 543-564.

Adams, R.D., and J.P. Grotzinger (1996) Lateral continuity of facies and parasequences in Middle Cambrian platform carbonates, Carrara Formation, southeastern California, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 66, p. 1079-1090.

Knoll, A. H., R.K. Bambach, D.E. Canfield, and J.P. Grotzinger (1996) Comparative Earth history and Late Permian mass extinction. Science, 273, p. 452-457.

Flemings, P. B., and J.P. Grotzinger (1996) STRATA: Freeware for analyzing classic stratigraphic problems. GSA Today, 6, p. 1-7.

Rothman, D. H. and J.P. Grotzinger (1995) Scaling properties of gravity-driven sediments. Non-linear Processes in Geophysics, 2, p. 178-185.

Knoll, A.H., J.P. Grotzinger, A.J. Kaufman, and P. Kolosov (1995) Integrated approaches to Terminal Proterozoic stratigraphy: an example from the Olenek Uplift, northeastern Siberia. Precambrian Research, 73, p. 251-270.

Saylor, B. Z., J.P. Grotzinger, and J.B. Germs (1995) Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Neoproterozoic Kuibis and Schwarzrand Subgroups (Nama Group), southwestern Namibia. Precambrian Research, 73, p. 153-171.

Sergeev, V., A.H. Knoll, and J.P. Grotzinger (1995) Paleobiology of the Mesoproterozoic Billyakh Group, Anabar Uplift, Northeastern Siberia. Journal of Paleontology.

Grotzinger, J. P. and A.H. Knoll (1995) Anomalous marine carbonate precipitates: Is the Precambrian the key to the Permian? Palaios, 10, p. 578-596.

Grotzinger, J. P., S.A. Bowring, B.Z. Saylor, and A.J. Kaufman (1995) Biostratigraphic and geochronologic constraints on early animal evolution. Science, 270, p. 598-604.

Knoll, A. H., A.J. Kaufman, M.A. Semikhatov, J.P. Grotzinger, and W. Adams (1995) Sizing up the sub-Tommotian unconformity in Siberia. Geology, 23, p. 823-850.

Rothman, D., J.P. Grotzinger, and P. Flemings (1994) Scaling in turbidite sedimentation. Journal of Sedimentary Research, A64, p. 59-67.

Grotzinger, J. P. (1994) Trends in Precambrian carbonate sediments and their implication for understanding evolution. in,  Bengtson, S. (ed.), Early Life on Earth, Columbia University Press, p. 245-258 .

Freidmann, J.S., and J.P. Grotzinger (1994) Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and tectonic implications of a Paleoproterozoic continental extensional basin: the El Sherana/Edith River Groups. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 31, p. 748-764.

Rothman, D., J.P. Grotzinger, and P. Flemings (1994) Scaling in turbidite sedimentation - Reply. Journal of Sedimentary Research, A64, p. 934.

Ritts, B., and J.P. Grotzinger (1994) Depositional facies and detrital composition of the Paleoproterozoic Et-Then Group, NWT, Canada: sedimentary response to intracratonic indentation. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 31, p. 1763-1778.

McCormick, D. S., and J.P. Grotzinger (1993) Distinction of marine from alluvial facies in the early Proterozoic (ca. 1.9 Ga) Burnside Formation, Kilohigok Basin, N.W.T. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 63, p. 398-419.

McCormick, D. S., and J.P. Grotzinger (1993) Evolution and significance of an overfilled alluvial foreland basin: Burnside Formation (1.9 Ga), Kilohigok Basin, N.W.T., Canada. Basin Research, 4, p. 253-278.

Hoffman, P.F., and J.P. Grotzinger (1993) Orographic precipitation, erosion, and orogenic style. Geology, 21, p. 195-198.

Grotzinger, J.P. and J. Kasting (1993) New constraints on Precambrian ocean composition. Journal of Geology, 101, p. 235-243.

Sumner, D. Y. and J.P. Grotzinger (1993) Numerical modeling of ooid size and the problem of Neoproterozoic giant ooids. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 63, p. 974-982.

Bowring, S.A., J.P. Grotzinger, C. Isachsen, A.H. Knoll, S. Pelechatyand, and P. Kolosov (1993) Calibrating rates of early Cambrian Evolution. Science, 261, p. 1293-1298.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1993) New views of old carbonate sediments. Geotimes, 38, p. 12-15.

Bowring, S.A., and J.P. Grotzinger (1992) Implications of new chronostratigraphy for tectonic evolution of Wopmay Orogen, northwest Canadian Shield. American Journal of Science, 292, p. 1-20.

Walter, M. R., J.P. Grotzinger, and J.W. Schopf (1992) Proterozoic Stromatolites, in, Schopf, J.W., and Klein, C., (eds.), The Proterozoic Biosphere. Cambridge University Press, p. 253-259.

Grotzinger, J.P., and R. Ingersoll (1992) Evolution of Proterozoic sedimentary basins, in, Schopf, J.W., and Klein, C., (eds.), The Proterozoic Biosphere. Cambridge University Press, p. 47-50.

Heaman, L. M. and J.P. Grotzinger (1992) Age and significance of gabbro sills in the Pahrump Group, California. Geology, 20, p. 637-640.

Kah, L.C. and J.P. Grotzinger (1992) Fabrics and significance of early Proterozoic (1.9 Ga) thrombolites of the Rocknest Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada.  Palaios, 7, p. 305-315.

Veizer, J., K.A. Plumb, R.N. Clayton, R.W. Hinton, and J.P. Grotzinger (1992) Geochemistry of Precambrian carbonates: V. Late Proterozoic seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 56, p. 2487-2501.

Kaufman, P., J.P. Grotzinger, and D.S. McCormick (1991) A depth-dependent diffusion algorithm for simulation of sedimentation in shallow marine depositional systems. In, "Sedimentary Modeling: Computer Simulations and Methods for Improved Parameter Definition".  Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 233, p. 489-508.  

Pelechaty, S.M., N.P. James, C. Kerans, and J.P. Grotzinger (1991) A Middle Proterozoic paleokarst unconformity and associated sediments, Elu Basin, northwest Canada. Sedimentology, 38, p. 775-797.

Burdett, J.W., J.P. Grotzinger, and M.A. Arthur (1990) Did major changes in the stable isotopic composition of Proterozoic seawater occur? Geology, 18, p. 227-230.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1990) Geochemical model for Proterozoic stromatolite decline. American Journal of Science, 290-A, p. 80-103.

Grotzinger, J.P. and L.H. Royden (1990) Elastic strength of the Slave craton at 1.9 Gyr and implications for the thermal evolution of the continents. Nature, 347, p. 64-66.

Tirrul, R. and J.P. Grotzinger (1990) Early Proterozoic collisional orogeny along the northern Thelon front, Northwest Territories, Canada: evidence from the foreland. Tectonics, 9, p. 1015 - 1036.


Pelechaty, S.M. and J.P. Grotzinger (1989) Stromatolite bioherms of a 1.9 Ga foreland basin carbonate ramp, Beechey Formation, Kilohigok Basin, Northwest Territories, in, H.H.J. Geldsetzer et al. (eds.), Reefs of Canada and Adjacent Areas: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 13, p. 93-104.

Hoffman, P.F. and J.P. Grotzinger (1989) Abner/Denault reef complex (2.1 Ga), Labrador Trough, NE Quebec, in, H.H.J. Geldsetzer et al. (eds.), Reefs of Canada and Adjacent Areas: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 13, p. 49-54.

Bond, G.C., M.A. Kominz, M.S. Steckler, and J.P. Grotzinger (1989) Role of thermal subsidence, flexure and eustasy in the evolution of Early Paleozoic passive margin carbonate platforms, in, Crevello et al. (eds), Controls on Carbonate Platform and Basin Development: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 44, p. 39-62.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1989) Introduction to Precambrian Reefs, in, H.H.J. Geldsetzer et al. (eds.), Reefs of Canada and Adjacent Areas: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 13, p. 9-12.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1989) Construction of early Proterozoic (1.9 Ga) Barrier reef complex, Rocknest Platform, Northwest Territories, in, H.H.J. Geldsetzer et al. (eds.), Reefs of Canada and Adjacent Areas: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 13, p. 30-37.

Grotzinger, JP. (1989) Facies and evolution of Precambrian carbonate depositional systems: emergence of the modern platform archetype, in, P.D. Crevello et al. (eds.), Controls on Carbonate Platform and Basin Development: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 44, p. 79-106.

Bond, G.C., M.A. Kominz, and J.P. Grotzinger (1988) Cambro-Ordovician eustacy: Evidence from geophysical modeling of Cordilleran and Appalachian miogeoclines, in, New Perspectives in Basin Analysis, K. Kleinspehn and C. Paola (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, p.129-160.

Christie-Blick, N., J.P. Grotzinger, and C.C. von der Borch (1988) Sequence stratigraphy in Proterozoic Successions Geology, 16, p. 100-104.

Grotzinger, J. P. and D.S. McCormick (1988) Flexure of the early Proterozoic lithosphere and the evolution of Kilohigok Basin (1.9 Ga), northwest Canadian Shield, in, New Perspectives in Basin Analysis, K. Kleinspehn and C. Paola (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 405-430.

Read, J.F., J.P. Grotzinger, J.A. Bova, and W.F. Koerschner (1986) Models for generation of carbonate cycles. Geology, 14, no. 2, p. 107-110.

Hofmann, H.J. and J.P. Grotzinger (1986) Shelf-facies Microbiotas from the Odjick and Rocknest Formations (Epworth Group; 1.89 Ga), northwestern Canada.  Can. Jour. Earth Sci., 22, p. 1781-1792.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1986) Cyclicity and paleoenvironmental dynamics of an early Proterozoic carbonate platform, Rocknest Formation, Wopmay Orogen, N.W.T., Canada. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 97, p. 1208-1231.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1986) Shallowing-upward cycles of the Wallace Formation (Belt Supergroup), northwest Montana and northern Idaho, in, A Guide to the Belt, S. Roberts (ed.), Montana Bureau of Mines Spec. Pub. 94, p. 143-160.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1986) Upward shallowing platform cycles: A response to 2.2 billion years of low-amplitude, high-frequency (Milankovitch band) sea level oscillations. Paleoceanography, 1, no. 4, p. 403-416.

Grotzinger, J.P. (1986) Evolution of early Proterozoic passive-margin carbonate platform, Rocknest Formation,  Wopmay Orogen, N.W.T., Canada.  Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 56, no. 6, p. 831-847.

Grotzinger, J.P. and J.F. Read (1983) Evidence for primary aragonite precipitation, early Proterozoic (1.9 Ga) Rocknest Dolomite, Wopmay Orogen, northwest Canada.